I Asked chatGPT For An IVF Seek the advice of


Here’s what happened:

“You might be a reproductive endocrinologist overseeing an IVF cycle. The patient is a 35-year-old female with tubal factor infertility. Sperm counts for her male partner are normal. Her AMH level is normal for her age group and thyroid and prolactin testing are all normal. She had undergone one previous stimulation with down regulation using a GnRH agonist starting within the previous menstrual cycle through the luteal phase, followed by stimulation with 225 iu of recombinant FSH once a day. Egg retrieval yielded three oocytes. The fertilized and one progressed to blastocyst stage and was transferred on day 5. Pregnancy test was negative. What stimulation regimen do you recommend?”

chatGPT’s suggestion:

Based on the knowledge provided, the patient has tubal factor infertility and has undergone one previous stimulation cycle with down regulation using a GnRH agonist followed by stimulation with recombinant FSH. Only three oocytes were retrieved and just one progressed to the blastocyst stage, leading to a negative pregnancy test.

For the following stimulation cycle, the next recommendations may very well be made:

  1. Adjust the dosage of FSH: The present dosage of 225 iu of recombinant FSH once a day will not be optimal for this patient. The dosage may very well be adjusted based on the patient’s response to the previous stimulation cycle.

Overall, it can be crucial to individualize the stimulation protocol based on the patient’s response to previous cycles and other aspects resembling age and ovarian reserve. Close monitoring through the cycle can also be necessary to regulate the protocol as needed.

I used an agonist protocol to see if the AI system would recommend switching to an antagonist, which it did instantly. Then I asked the identical query, using that protocol:

Based on the knowledge provided, the patient has tubal factor infertility and has undergone one previous stimulation cycle using a GnRH antagonist protocol and 225 iu of recombinant FSH once a day, leading to only three oocytes retrieved and one blastocyst transferred with a negative pregnancy test. For the following stimulation cycle, the next recommendations may very well be made:

  1. Adjust the dosage of FSH: The present dosage of 225 iu of FSH once a day will not be optimal for this patient. The dosage may very well be adjusted based on the patient’s response to the previous stimulation cycle.

Overall, it can be crucial to individualize the stimulation protocol based on the patient’s response to previous cycles, age, and ovarian reserve. Close monitoring through the cycle can also be necessary to regulate the protocol as needed.

AI isn’t able to graduate from fellowship yet (and clearly must do some more reading on stimulation protocols) but, given the self-teaching nature of machine learning, the identical query asked 6 months or a 12 months from now will likely give more clinically appropriate answers, and a 12 months later could also be experienced-RE equivalent.

When you’re developing AI solutions, you’re prone to be asked what differentiates what you’re doing from currently accessible systems which are available at minimal to no cost to the user.


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