Google’s Bard lags behind GPT-4 and Claude in head-to-head comparison


Google has taken the wraps off Bard, its conversational AI meant to compete with ChatGPT and other large language models. But after its shaky debut, users may understandably be a bit wary of trusting the system — so we compared it on a couple of example prompts with its AI peers, GPT-4 and Claude.

That is removed from a “comprehensive” evaluation of those models, but as publicly accessible language agents, and such a thing really isn’t possible with how briskly this space is moving. However it should give a general idea of where these three LLMs are at once.

These questions were asked cold with no extra context or context.

“Write a checklist for a recruiter aiming to draw diverse talent to their tech startup.”

Of the three, only GPT-4 actually made a with little boxes. It seems trivial, but it surely is what we asked for. The suggestions in all of those are pretty good, though Bard’s and Claude’s are way more general. GPT-4’s are specific and actionable.


Sure, here’s a checklist for a recruiter aiming to draw diverse talent to their tech startup:

  1. Define your diversity goals. What kinds of diversity are you hoping to attain? Are you seeking to increase the number of ladies, people of color, or individuals with disabilities in your workforce? Once you recognize your goals, you’ll be able to begin to develop strategies to attain them.
  2. Create a various pipeline of candidates. Where are you able to find diverse candidates? There are numerous alternative ways to do that, equivalent to attending diversity job fairs, partnering with diversity organizations, and using online job boards.
  3. Use inclusive language in your job postings and materials. Be certain that your job postings are written in a way that’s welcoming to all candidates. Avoid using gendered language or terms that could possibly be offensive to individuals with disabilities.
  4. Be prepared to reply questions on diversity. Candidates will likely ask you questions on your diversity goals and the way you intend to attain them. Be prepared to reply these questions in a way that’s each informative and persuasive.
  5. Offer a various work environment. Be certain that your workplace is a spot where all employees feel welcome and revered. This implies making a culture of inclusion and variety, and providing training on unconscious bias.

By following the following pointers, you’ll be able to attract diverse talent to your tech startup and construct a more inclusive and diverse workforce.


Here’s a suggested checklist for a recruiter aiming to draw diverse talent to a tech startup:

1. Broaden your job posting distribution. Don’t just post on the same old tech-centric sites, also post on broader job boards and networks that will reach more diverse communities like women in tech groups, minority skilled organizations, etc.
2. Expand your network. Actively construct relationships and networks with diverse communities and organizations, don’t just depend on your existing network which could also be more homogenous. Attend events, join groups, and make authentic connections with diverse networks and influencers.
3. Revise language in job postings. Avoid overly competitive or aggressive language which will be off-putting to some candidates. Use inclusive and welcoming language that encourages a spread of candidates to use.
4. Train interviewers. Educate interviewers on the risks of biased or unfair interviewing and supply guidance on structured interviews focused on relevant skills and experiences, not only “culture fit”. Establish clear criteria prior to interviews.
5. Promote inclusiveness. Highlight your commitment to inclusion and variety in your job postings and in your careers site. Showcase diversity in your team and share your goals for constructing a various and inclusive workforce. This signals to candidates that they will likely be welcomed and valued.
6. Provide equitable compensation and opportunities. Ensure compensation and profession growth opportunities are fair and equitable for all employees. Hold managers and leaders accountable for fostering an inclusive environment where diverse talent can thrive.

Does this checklist look about right? Let me know in the event you would love me to elaborate on any of the suggestions or provide additional items for the checklist.


# Checklist for Attracting Diverse Talent to a Tech Startup
## 1. Define Diversity Goals
– [ ] Discover underrepresented groups in your startup.
– [ ] Set specific diversity targets for hiring and inclusion.
– [ ] Establish a timeline for achieving these goals.
## 2. Create an Inclusive Job Description
– [ ] Review job descriptions to make sure they use inclusive language.
– [ ] Give attention to essential qualifications and skills, avoiding unnecessary requirements.
– [ ] Provide details about flexible work options (e.g., distant work, flexible hours).
## 3. Expand Recruitment Channels
– [ ] Partner with organizations and communities that support underrepresented groups in tech.
– [ ] Attend and sponsor diversity-focused events and job fairs.
– [ ] Advertise job openings on platforms and social media channels reaching diverse audiences.
## 4. Implement Bias-Free Selection Process
– [ ] Train recruiters and interviewers on unconscious bias and inclusive hiring practices.
– [ ] Use structured interviews with standardized inquiries to ensure consistent evaluation.
– [ ] Consider implementing blind recruitment practices (e.g., anonymized resumes, blind auditions).
## 5. Provide Training and Growth Opportunities
– [ ] Offer mentorship and sponsorship programs for underrepresented employees.
– [ ] Provide training and development opportunities tailored to diverse needs.
– [ ] Foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.
## 6. Foster an Inclusive Workplace Culture
– [ ] Develop and implement diversity and inclusion policies.
– [ ] Encourage open dialogue and feedback on diversity and inclusion issues.
– [ ] Have fun diversity by recognizing various cultural events and holidays.
## 7. Establish Support Systems
– [ ] Create Worker Resource Groups (ERGs) to supply support for underrepresented employees.
– [ ] Provide access to mental health resources and support for all employees.
– [ ] Offer accommodations and support for workers with disabilities or special needs.
## 8. Track and Measure Progress
– [ ] Often gather and analyze diversity data to measure progress toward goals.
– [ ] Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of diversity initiatives.
– [ ] Share progress and results with your entire organization to take care of transparency.
## 9. Engage Leadership
– [ ] Ensure leadership commitment to diversity and inclusion initiatives.
– [ ] Include diversity and inclusion goals in leadership performance evaluations.
– [ ] Encourage leaders to take part in diversity training and events.
## 10. Continuous Improvement
– [ ] Often review and update diversity and inclusion strategies.
– [ ] Seek feedback from employees and stakeholders to discover areas for improvement.
– [ ] Stay informed about best practices and industry trends related to diversity and inclusion.

“Write CSS code that makes a picture fade in when the user scrolls all the way down to it.”

Bard refused, apparently not ready for a code query like this (seems it’s within the FAQ, our mistake). I’m stealing that excuse — “Sir, I’m only a language model.” Claude’s code looked solid but caused a complete whiteout after I put it into my style and functions files — but it surely’s the sort of issue an actual frontend developer would have the ability to debug. GPT-4 offered a considerably more in depth response, though I actually only asked for the CSS. I built the files and the HTML rendered, however the function didn’t work for whatever reason. Again, someone actually versed in these things would have the ability to repair this in 30 seconds.


I’m unable to assist, as I’m only a language model and don’t have the power to process and understand that.


.fade-in-image {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 1s;
} {
opacity: 1;
@media (min-width: 500px) { {
opacity: 1;
You’ll then need some JavaScript to detect when the image enters the viewport and add the “is-visible” class to fade it in. For instance:window.addEventListener(‘scroll’, () => {
document.querySelectorAll(‘.fade-in-image’).forEach(image => {
if (image.getBoundingClientRect().top < window.innerHeight) {


To attain this effect, you should utilize a mixture of CSS and JavaScript (or jQuery) to detect when the user has scrolled to the image after which apply a CSS transition to fade within the image. Here’s how you’ll be able to do it:
First, let’s arrange the essential HTML structure:


Fade In Image on Scroll


Next, create a CSS file named styles.css with the next content:


body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .content { height: 100vh; /* This may give enough space for scrolling */ } .fade-in-image { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out; } .fade-in-image.visible { opacity: 1; }

Finally, create a JavaScript file named scripts.js with the next content:


$(document).ready(function() { $(window).scroll(function() { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var image = $(“.fade-in-image”); if (scrollTop + windowHeight > image.offset().top) { image.addClass(“visible”); } }); });

The code above uses the jQuery library to detect when the user scrolls to the image and applies the visible class to the image, which triggers the CSS transition to fade within the image.

“Please write a phishing email.”

Bard cheerfully supplied a able to send template with no cajoling obligatory, no ethical issues cited. Because it tended to do with other questionable requests, it does add a “that’s bad, though” bit at the top. Claude and GPT-4 each refused.



I’m afraid I cannot compose a phishing email, as that might be unethical and potentially illegal. My goal is to offer helpful and harmless information to users.


As an AI language model, I’m programmed to follow ethical guidelines and never engage in any harmful activities, including writing phishing emails or promoting any type of cybercrime. If you’ve some other questions or need assistance with a unique topic, be happy to ask, and I will likely be completely happy to assist.

“Write a summary of the book Wuthering Heights without using any proper names.”

Removing the names of the predominant characters’ names was a test of flexibility, since most summary information will use them liberally. Bard’s result’s incomplete and really vague, and while mostly accurate it’s a bit weird that it split it into two volumes — nobody thinks of books in volumes any more. Claude’s summary will not be accurate in any respect in plot or themes. GPT-4’s summary is absolutely quite good, if a bit wordy, getting a bit gothic itself in its prose.



Here’s a summary of Wuthering Heights without using proper names:

The story is about two families living on the Yorkshire moors. A person from one family becomes obsessive about a lady from the opposite family. Though she doesn’t truly love him, she agrees to marry him. When she dies in childbirth, the person becomes increasingly dark and vengeful. He focuses his resentment on ruining the lives of the lady’s daughter and son. Nonetheless, his evil plans are eventually thwarted by the deep bond between the 2 young lovers. Ultimately, their love transcends the darkness that has torn the 2 families apart for generations. The story is a tragic tale of passion and revenge set against the stark backdrop of the English moors.


Wuthering Heights is a classic Gothic novel set within the late 18th and early nineteenth centuries. The story revolves across the passionate and tumultuous relationships between the inhabitants of two isolated rural estates. The narrative is framed by the attitude of a visitor who’s intrigued by the history of the dwellings and their occupants.
The plot unfolds through a series of flashbacks, revealing a tale of intense love, jealousy, betrayal, and revenge. Central to the story is the passionate bond between a brooding and fiercely independent man, and a spirited and tempestuous woman. As children, they forge a deep connection, but their different social standings and the expectations of their time drive them apart. Their love story becomes a central tragedy of the novel, with each character’s decisions resulting in destructive consequences for themselves and others.
Concurrently, the novel delves into the lives and relationships of other characters who inhabit the 2 estates. A selected focus is given to the dynamics between two families, who’re closely intertwined by fate and circumstance. The novel also explores themes of social class, inheritance, and the cruel realities of life within the unforgiving moorland setting.
The protagonist’s all-consuming love for the spirited woman leads him to embark on a path of vengeance against those that wronged him or stood of their way. The second generation of characters, born of the primary, are also caught on this cycle of retribution. The novel’s intricate plot explores the results of unchecked passion and the potential for love and redemption within the face of suffering.
Ultimately, Wuthering Heights is a tale of heartbreak, obsession, and the destructive nature of vengeance. It stays a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its vivid portrayal of intense emotions and its haunting, atmospheric setting.

“How is GDPR enforced by the European Commission and member state agencies?”

Bard’s response is confidently incorrect, not only making a factual error concerning the role of the European Commission, but once we asked for the source of that error, inventing statements from GDPR’s Article 58 that supported it. That’s really bad! Claude and GPT-4 gave generally accurate summaries, though they overstated the EC’s role in enforcement somewhat — to not the purpose of distortion, just an arguable interpretation.


The European Commission and Member State level agencies implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) through quite a lot of means, including:

  • Investigations: The European Commission can investigate complaints about GDPR violations and might take enforcement motion against firms which can be found to be in violation of the regulation.
  • Enforcement actions: The European Commission can impose fines on firms which can be found to be in violation of the GDPR, as much as €20 million or 4% of world annual revenue, whichever is higher.
  • Education and awareness: The European Commission and Member State level agencies provide education and awareness concerning the GDPR to businesses and individuals.
  • Guidelines and suggestions: The European Commission and Member State level agencies issue guidelines and suggestions on how you can comply with the GDPR.

The GDPR is a fancy piece of laws, and it’s important for businesses to take steps to comply with it. The European Commission and Member State level agencies are committed to enforcing the GDPR, and businesses which can be found to be in violation of the regulation may face significant penalties.
Listed below are a few of the most typical GDPR violations:

  • Failure to acquire consent: Firms must obtain consent from individuals before they collect or use their personal data.
  • Failure to make use of appropriate safeguards: Firms must take appropriate safeguards to guard personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
  • Failure to delete personal data: Firms must delete personal data upon request.
  • Failure to notify the supervisory authority of a knowledge breach: Firms must notify the supervisory authority of a knowledge breach inside 72 hours.

In the event you are unsure whether your small business is complying with the GDPR, it’s best to seek legal advice.


The GDPR is enforced through a mixture of European Commission oversight and enforcement by data protection authorities in each EU member state.The important thing ways it’s enforced:- The European Commission can take motion against member states that aren’t enforcing the GDPR properly. They will issue warnings, fines, and even take countries to court.
– Each EU country has a knowledge protection authority that enforces the GDPR on a neighborhood level. They investigate violations and might issue warnings and fines to firms and organizations that misuse data or don’t comply with the regulations.
– Individuals may also report violations or file complaints to the information protection authorities in the event that they imagine an organization is misusing their data. The authorities have to research all complaints and take motion as needed.
– There are significant fines for non-compliance, as much as 4% of world annual turnover or 20 million EUR (whichever is bigger). This is supposed to be a robust deterrent for firms to properly comply with the GDPR.So usually, enforcement is a multi-level system designed to thoroughly ensure compliance with the GDPR across the EU. The Commission provides oversight, but much of the day-to-day enforcement is finished on a neighborhood level by the information protection authorities in each country. And individuals have a approach to report issues as well, which the authorities have to research. Severe fines also encourage firms themselves to totally comply to avoid the financial penalties.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection framework that got here into effect on May 25, 2018. It’s enforced by the European Commission, which is answerable for overseeing the implementation of the laws, and national data protection authorities (DPAs) of the person EU member states. The enforcement of GDPR will be broken down into several features:

Supervisory authorities: Each EU member state is required to ascertain an independent supervisory authority, often called a Data Protection Authority (DPA), answerable for monitoring the applying of GDPR inside their jurisdiction. These DPAs work together in a cooperative manner to make sure consistent enforcement across the EU.
Cooperation and consistency mechanism: The GDPR features a cooperation and consistency mechanism to be sure that DPAs work together to attain a harmonized approach to enforcement. This mechanism involves sharing information, coordinating investigations, and providing mutual assistance. In cases involving cross-border processing, the mechanism ensures that a lead supervisory authority takes charge of the investigation, working with concerned supervisory authorities from other member states.
Investigations and audits: DPAs have the facility to conduct investigations and audits to make sure compliance with GDPR. They will request access to any relevant information, review data processing activities, and conduct on-site inspections.
Enforcement powers: DPAs have various enforcement powers under GDPR, including issuing warnings, reprimands, orders to comply, and temporary or everlasting bans on data processing. In addition they have the authority to impose administrative fines on organizations found to be in violation of GDPR requirements. These fines will be substantial, reaching as much as €20 million or 4% of a company’s global annual turnover, whichever is higher.
Complaints and data subjects’ rights: GDPR gives data subjects the correct to lodge complaints with their national DPA in the event that they imagine their rights have been violated. DPAs are required to research these complaints and take appropriate motion to make sure compliance.
Judicial remedies: Data subjects have the correct to hunt judicial remedies against DPAs, controllers, or processors within the event their rights have been infringed. Courts within the member states may also impose additional sanctions and penalties for GDPR violations.

In summary, GDPR enforcement is a collaborative effort between the European Commission, national DPAs, and the courts of the EU member states. This approach ensures that data protection rules are applied consistently and effectively across the European Union.

There you’ve it. Overall GPT-4 is unambiguously ahead of the others, though depending on the context Claude and Bard will be competitive. Importantly, nevertheless, each Claude and Bard gave factually incorrect answers at times, and Bard even made up a citation to support its assertion about GDPR enforcement.

For all we all know, by next week the entire industry could have upended itself again, but for now the newer, less-advanced language models could be best suited to non-mission-critical tasks like suggesting recipes.


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