How AI could write our laws


Second, we should always strengthen disclosure requirements on lobbyists, whether or not they’re entirely human or AI-assisted. State laws regarding lobbying disclosure are a hodgepodge. North Dakota, for instance, only requires lobbying reports to be filed annually, in order that by the point a disclosure is made, the policy is probably going already decided. A lobbying disclosure scorecard created by Open Secrets, a bunch researching the influence of cash in US politics, tracks nine states that don’t even require lobbyists to report their compensation.

Ideally, it might be great for the general public to see all communication between lobbyists and legislators, whether it takes the shape of a proposed amendment or not. Absent that, let’s give the general public the advantage of reviewing whatlobbyists are lobbying for—and why. Lobbying is traditionally an activity that happens behind closed doors. Right away, many states reinforce that: they really exempt testimony delivered publicly to a legislature from being reported as lobbying. 

In those jurisdictions, in the event you reveal your position to the general public, you’re not lobbying. Let’s do the inverse: require lobbyists to disclose their positions on issues. Some jurisdictions already require an announcement of position (a ‘yea’ or ‘nay’) from registered lobbyists. And in most (but not all) states, you may make a public records request regarding meetings held with a state legislator and hope to get something substantive back. But we will expect more—lobbyists may very well be required to proactively publish, inside a couple of days, a transient summary of what they demanded of policymakers during meetings and why they consider it’s in the final interest.

We are able to’t depend on corporations to be forthcoming and wholly honest in regards to the reasons behind their lobbying positions. But having them on the record about their intentions would no less than provide a baseline for accountability.

Finally, consider the role AI assistive technologies could have on lobbying firms themselves and the labor marketplace for lobbyists. Many observers are rightfully concerned about the opportunity of AI replacing or devaluing the human labor it automates. If the automating potential of AI finally ends up commodifying the work of political strategizing and message development, it might indeed put some professionals on K Street out of labor. 

But don’t expect that to disrupt the careers of essentially the most astronomically compensated lobbyists: former members Congress and other insiders who’ve passed through the revolving door. There is no such thing as a shortage of reform ideas for limiting the power of presidency officials turned lobbyists to sell access to their colleagues still in government, they usually must be adopted and—equally vital—maintained and enforced in successive Congresses and administrations.

None of those solutions are really original, specific to the threats posed by AI, and even predominantly focused on microlegislation—and that’s the purpose. Good governance should and will be robust to threats from quite a lot of techniques and actors.

But what makes the risks posed by AI especially pressing now could be how briskly the sector is developing. We expect the size, strategies, and effectiveness of humans engaged in lobbying to evolve over years and a long time. Advancements in AI, meanwhile, appear to be making impressive breakthroughs at a much faster pace—and it’s still accelerating.

The legislative process is a relentless struggle between parties trying to manage the principles of our society as they’re updated, rewritten, and expanded on the federal, state, and native levels. Lobbying is a very important tool for balancing various interests through our system. If it’s well-regulated, perhaps lobbying can support policymakers in making equitable decisions on behalf of us all.


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