NuNet Public Alpha Countdown Remaining Issues Libp2p Milestone Cardano Blockchain Integration DevOps Use Cases Other Issues


NuNet Public Alpha Countdown — A Global Economy of Decentralized Computing
  • Red Boxes 👉🏻 Critical Issues
  • Purple Boxes 👉🏻 Open Issues
  • Grey Boxes 👉🏻 Closed Issues
  • Diamonds 👉🏻 Milestones
  1. List available peers (peer discovery)
  2. Allow nodes behind NAT to speak
  3. Create Bootstrap Nodes for NuNet
  4. Implement DHT
  5. Implement Messaging (easy chat demo using CLI)
  6. Implement Stream (socket) connection
  7. Other Enhancements

Libp2p Issues

Cardano Blockchain Integration Issues

  • Blockchain Integrations in Webapp via MeshJS
  • Design the Oracle component
  • DMS integration with Oracle to get blockchain data
  • REST API calls on DMS to interact with WebApp/Management Dashboard
  • Management Dashboard (a straightforward WebApp integrated with the user’s wallet to withdraw tokens)
  • Dashboard interface implementation
  • DMS integration using REST API
  • Blockchain integration via MeshJS
  • Security evaluation on DMS
  • Security evaluation on Oracle
  • Security evaluation on WebApp and Management Dashboard

DevOps Issues

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